Pualani Elite Status
When the frequent flyer miles start adding up, so do the Elite privileges with our Pualani Gold and Pualani Platinum programs.
Elite-qualifying flight miles or flight segments must be earned on a revenue fare that earns HawaiianMiles when traveling on a Hawaiian Airlines scheduled flight in a calendar year (Jan 1 – Dec 31).
Fly 30 Segments[1]
20,000 Miles[1]
Fly 60 Segments[1]
40,000 Miles[1]
Elite Member Benefit Highlights
Exclusive Reservations Call-In Line
You’ll receive priority routing & handling when calling our Exclusive Reservations Line.
Seat Upgrades
Pualani Elite members receive complimentary upgrades to Extra Comfort based on availability, route, and aircraft type.
First Class Check-In Line
You’ll be able to use the Premier Club / First Class Check-In Line in Honolulu and Neighbor Island airports (member + 2 guests).
Priority Security Line
Make your way to Priority Security Lines in Honolulu, New York, Oakland, Phoenix, Portland, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, and Seattle. Must present Elite membership card and boarding pass to TSA agent.
Free Checked Bags
Gold members get their first 2 checked bags free. Platinum members get their first 3 checked bags free.
Priority Boarding
Platinum members board with Zone 1 and Gold members board with Zone 2. Members are allowed 2 guests for boarding. While in line, notify agent of your guest(s).
Premier Club Access
Enjoy our Premier Clubs in Honolulu, Hilo, Kona, Kahului and Lihue airports.
See a full list of our Elite Membership benefits.
Enjoy travel perks as a Premier Club member for just $299 or 40,000 miles.
Learn more about Premier Club Membership.