Hawaiian Airlines
Hotel Deals
Save on hotels worldwide while earning HawaiianMiles. Enjoy
discounts at select hotels, resorts, condominiums and vacation
rentals in your favorite destination.
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discounts at select hotels, resorts, condominiums and vacation
rentals in your favorite destination.
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Earn HawaiianMiles on hotels worldwide
Earn 1 mile per dollar spent
Enjoy discounts at select hotels, resorts, condominimums and vacation rentals in your favorite destination. Book your accommodations at over 1 million properties worldwide and earn 1 HawaiianMile per dollar spent.*
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Lihue, Kauai
Lihue, Kauai
The lush landscapes of Kauai earn their noteriety as a remote garden escape where rainbows abound.
Kona, Hawaii Island
Kona, Hawaii Island
The sunny west side of Hawaii Island beckons with clear waters, historic petroglyphs and coffee farms.
Hilo, Hawaii Island
Hilo, Hawaii Island
The east side of Hawaii Island is known for dramatic waterfalls, steaming lava fields and black sands.
Discover hotels at these destinations
*The 1 HawaiianMile per dollar offer excludes resort fees or any miscellaneous fees payable directly to the hotel. To qualify for the mileage offer, you must be the primary traveler on the reservation and enter your HawaiianMiles number in the Loyalty Number field on the payment check-out page. The miles will be posted 6-8 weeks after travel has been completed. All standard HawaiianMiles terms and conditions apply. HawaiianMiles redemptions, e-certificates, and Hawaiian Airlines Gift Cards and Gift Certificates do not apply toward purchase. Hotel pricing may vary by date, length of stay, hotel property and room category. Rates are subject to availability and may change at any time without notice. Select hotels may require a minimum night stay and may be non-refundable. Resort fees and other miscellaneous fees may be applicable at select hotels and must be paid directly to the hotel. Change fees and other terms and conditions apply.